Monday, February 20, 2012



Hai semua.mcmne dgn hari korang pd bulan February ni.Adakah semua nya ok ok jew.Aku berharap februari memberi sesuatu ygbermakna bagi aku same dgn korang semua.

Today i just want writte about me and ini aku sering tertanya-tanya KENAPA??
Aku sering tengok member-member aku semua nya perfect,sama jugak budak-budak lain kat luar sana.Tapi KENAPA tidak aku??
Aku bukanya xbersyukur dgn kurnian Allah terhadap aku ,tapi sifat untuk menjadi perfect itu sering bermain-main on my mind.

Who know me there know who I am.
When i saw my friends and others boy i think why me not like them?
Why I'm so skinny?
What happnd with my voice?
Why aku not like others boys?

I'm also not smart like my sister and brother.
no Girldfriend..
and who wanted me to be thiere couple?
Aku xhensem and my body sooo kecik.
Why so many not perfect thing i need  to handle..

I try to be like ordinary boy but i can't.
my dream is, i just want my body's like another boys.a little fat.and I want every one look at me the same as de ordinary boy.
no more WeightGain,
no more keding,
no more kecik ...


  1. apa kau merepak ni . bagi aku kau ni perfect . chill laa kalau bdk2 kutuk ke apa ke . cuma usik usik je

  2. mestilah aku ni bnyak kekurangan..
